I was listening to an old detective show on Radio Classics, SiriusXM; the title of the show was Qui Bono?. The detective was trying to solve a murder–not surprisingly, he did, by following the titled “who benefits” line of thinking. It struck me this was a powerfully useful question in many areas of real life.
For example, who benefits from promoting the false notion that valuable products and services are free? We all know that virtually nothing is free, and that someone pays for everything. So why are many people promoting free health care and free college–to name but two? Many people say they want “free” healthcare, instead of saying they want free access to healthcare that is paid for by others. Is it because they really believe it is free, or is it because they want to associate “free” with being a no-brainer decision? Or perhaps it’s because if something is seen as free, it can also easily be seen as an entitlement.
You likely have heard the saying, “Follow the money.” If you unpack that advice, it tells us to find where the money came from and where it is going in order to see who is doing what to whom. And why. For example, if you want to know where someone’s loyalties or priorities lie, find out where their money comes from and where they spend it. More than their words, their actions will tell you what you need to know.
Pause for a key variation of that advice: “Follow the power.” In politics, power is everything. Henry Kissinger once said, “Power is the great aphrodisiac.” Of course money is involved, but it is a tool, not the primary objective. Power is. And how do politicians get power? Votes, and controlling votes. Let’s apply the “follow the power” advice to the question of why certain people, politicians in this case, act as if overwhelming expensive services like healthcare and college are free. Free means that someone would not have to feel any type of guilt for accepting. If it is free, then I can take it with a happy heart, without even a fleeting thought about not having earned it. Who needs to earn free?
The next step for the “it’s free” politician is to accuse opposing politicos of not wanting the people to have the “free” things because the bad guys–the opposition–are Grinches who don’t want anyone but the wealthy to have anything of real value. Do you see the two-faced nature of this argument? On one hand, the free crowd is making things look as if they actually are free; on the other hand, they are saying the opposition is too stingy to pay for things for those who are not wealthy. And they are getting away with it.
Unexamined, free sounds like a no-brainer good deal. “I’ll vote for that person. And I will not vote for the person who does not want me to have it.” The key word is unexamined. Things that come for free are not valued nearly as much as things we earn. Quoting a subscriber, “I remember from my childhood taking care of the stuff I paid for. I have also seen this in my own children, when they pay for something, using money they worked for, they take care of the item better.” Grades, a job, a car, food–it doesn’t matter. If it is free, then it will be valued far less. And not only under appreciated, but not put to optimal use. Or anything close.
The free crowd takes it two calculated steps farther: Step 1. Not only are things free, but you deserve them. Step 2. The people who don’t want you to have things for free are the reason that you don’t have them in the first place. Follow this logic trail with me: Stuff’s Free. You deserve it. And “they” are the reason that you don’t have it in the first place. If this were a bullfight, it would be game over. At this point, the sword would go into the bull, and the bull dies. The crowd rises as if one, celebrating the matador, who waves to the crowd yelling “Free!”
As with bullfighting, the free game is massively bloody, with a known outcome. In the bullring, the bull dies. In our world truth, initiative, freedom, and our economy are the likely casualties. Fortunately, bullfighting is a dying (pun intended) sport. The free game is just getting rolling.
Remember: It is the cheese in the mousetrap that fooled–and killed–the mouse.
“Free” is a Misleading Word
Will Luden, writing from my home office at 7,200’ in Colorado Springs.
The core, driving principles at Revolution 2.0, are:
1. Personal Responsibility. Take it, teach it.
2. Be Your Brother’s Keeper. Taking care of our brothers and sisters.
If we apply those two core principles simultaneously, we will inevitably be on the right path.
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7 Responses
Good thoughts that send my mind thinking in several directions. My parents “provided” things for me so that I could grow and learn. Their hope and plan was that I would eventually find my own way to enjoy life and liberty and pursue happiness…and become a contributing citizen in the society and world around me. They also hoped I would eventually move out and not become a burden on them. I’ve crossed paths with quite a few young people who, for whatever reason, never enjoyed those benefits or learned those lessons. So much could be said about that and why it happens.
Mike, many thanks for your valuable thoughts. Would appreciate some of your thoughts on the growing stable of blogs–added to weekly. Now, how about you doing a guest blog? Cheers, Will
Like Mike, I have problems zeroing in on a single aspect of the problem. There are so many things contributing to it.
1. The self-esteem approach to educating and raising our kids. They are taught that they deserve whatever they want because they are important. In reality, they should be taught self-respect (yes they deserve not to be mistreated) and self-discipline (you are expected to live up to a certain standard of behavior).
2. We all deserve to be happy. There is no sense of gratitude because, well darn it, I’m supposed to get what I want.
3. The economists and politicians all play with the numbers and tell us that growth and the federal budget have no limits. In fact, someone has to pay eventually, and the physical resources of the country and planet are fixed.
4. If one comments that unhealthy or unproductive behavior, such as substance abuse, promiscuity, or reckless actions (for example driving while texting) should not be condoned, he/she is deemed “judgemental”. (See 1., above)
I can’t offer any solutions, only Jeremiah-like predictions of doom and destruction.
Charlie, paraphrasing Pogo, “I have met the solution, and it is us.” I am on a mission. Please join. Revolution 2.0™
Bill, totally agree with your acceptance of acquaintance’s “Better Answers? Better Questions!” Who really wouldn’t, right? But, here again and appreciating the comments of those above, I contend that our government, whether large or small, would also agree with the idea but somehow won’t always let it in when considering inputs from mail, email, phone & the like or responding during open meetings of state. I know, let’s ask Russian Intelligence for help in getting through to our statesmen. Well, perhaps not!
Ken, yes, some are afraid of asking different questions because they might led to answers they do not want to hear. Cheers, Will
A fascinating discussion is worth comment. I believe that you should publish more on this subject, it might not be a taboo matter but typically people do not talk about these issues. To the next! Kind regards.