Rittenhouse Innocent: Politicians and Pundits Guilty (EP. 379)

Don't slide away from a nation of laws downward toward becoming a nation ruled by agendas and biases. That's the subject of today's 10 minute episode.
Don't slide away from a nation of laws. (Rittenhouse Innocent)

Rittenhouse innocent: Arbery killers guilty. Both correct.

Our nation of laws, created in 1776 and refined over time, won and kept at terrible costs in blood and treasure, is in danger of devolving into a nation of warring cliches and uninformed biases. What began with a triumphant bang might well end with a selfish whimper. Stay with me and I will go over the why and the how of this.

America was once arbitrarily ruled by King George, backed by his military, later arbitrarily ruled by the powerful in the Wild West backed by violence, and again by the Robber Barons of the late 19th Century backed by massive wealth and the willingness to use it selfishly. America, that’s us, is now in danger of being ruled arbitrarily by cliche-based biases, agenda and lies wielded by politicians, media, pundits and power brokers. “Whatever it takes is their motto.” The end justifies the means they say.


As America grew and developed, rule by power and influence was replaced but the rule of law. Rule by King George gave way to the Constitution. Rule by gunfire in the Wild West was replaced by courts and juries. Today the direction is reversing; rule by law is being replaced by biases and agendas, enforced with their “whatever it takes” approach.

Both the Kyle Rittenhouse and Ahmaud Arbery trials, featuring self defense, delivered the correct findings: Rittenhouse was innocent, the three accused in Aubrey guilty. 

Both Rittenhouse and Aubrey made major mistakes. Rittenhouse, 17, young, stupid, and naive. Followed false patriots by showing up armed in Kenosha during the Jacob Blake protests and riots. Governor Evans should have exerted far more control over the looting and burning; the teenager should have stayed home. The 25-year-old Arbery was seen on security video trespassing in a home in the defendants’ neighborhood that was under construction and unoccupied. The owner reported items stolen from his boat that was on the property, but there is no evidence Arbery was the thief. On the day of the murder, Arbery had entered the home again. The three murderers chased Arbery because he was trespassing. When Arbery turned to confront the one with the shotgun, he was fatally shot. Arbery should never have trespassed; the men should never have followed him.

What did not happen. Rittenhouse did not cross state lines with a firearm. He did not go to Kenosha with the intent of gunning down innocent protesters. Aubrey did nothing to deserve being followed and confronted by 3 armed men.

Disingenuous to laud one outcome, and decry the other. Takes lies to even try to make that case. Let’s hear some of those lies and focused misinformation:

President Joe Biden, then a presidential candidate, instantly branded Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” in the aftermath of the August 2020 shootings, and even used his photo in a tweet to do so. He also demanded to know why then President Trump did not “disavow white supremacists” like Rittenhouse.

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, D-MA, tweeted: “A 17 year old white supremacist domestic terrorist drove across state lines, armed with an AR 15. He shot and killed 2 people who had assembled to affirm the value, dignity, and worth of Black lives. Fix your damn headlines.”

Pressley’s colleague, Congresswoman Cori Bush, D-MO, tweeted: “When we marched in Ferguson, white supremacists would hide behind a hill near where Michael Brown Jr. was murdered and shoot at us. They never faced consequences. If Kyle Rittenhouse gets acquitted, it tells them that even 7 years later they still can get away with it.”

This new lie adds to the “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie about Mr. Brown that is being perpetuated to this day.

After the verdict, Bush tweeted: “The judge. The Jury. The defendant. It’s white supremacy in action. The system isn’t built to be held accountable. It’s why Black and brown folks are brutalized and put in cages while white supremacist murderers walk free. I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m heartbroken.”

She’s also lying.

Allow me to translate for you. “I don’t like this verdict, so I will lie and cast aspersions with the belief that my lies will be believed. After all, the ends justify the means, right? Right?” 

The evidence is clear; Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent of the crimes charged. The evidence continues to mount that the media and other politicians, including leading Democrat figures, are convicting both Rittenhouse and the jury. The same voices are lauding the conviction of the three men who murdered Ahmand Arbrey.

Let’s hear from a supporter of the jury system, at least in selected cases. “A jury believed the evidence of their eyes and saw the meanness in the killers’ hearts. May this verdict bring a small measure of peace to #AhmaudArbery’s family and loved ones,” Stacey Abrams, a former and once again Georgia gubernatorial candidate (and yet to concede), said on Twitter.

Now let’s hear from some on the other side of the aisle who also do not get it. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-GA, wants to award Rittenhouse the Congressional Medal. Reps. Matt Gaetz. R-FL, and Madison Cawthorn, R-NC, both offered the youngster internships in their offices. 

Rittenhouse in neither a hero nor a villain. It is false and dangerous to portray him as either. The jury system, part of our nation of laws, worked in both cases. 

Nation of laws. Not arbitrary rule with King George. Not with arbitrary rule by violence. Not arbitrary now with the power of lies from politicians, pundits and the press. 

I do not want to continue the slide away from a nation of laws downward toward becoming a nation ruled by agendas and biases, backed by a “Whatever it takes; the ends justify the means,” approach. 

  1. Both the Kyle Rittenhouse and Ahmaud Arbery trials, featuring self defense, delivered the correct findings: Rittenhouse was innocent, the three accused in Aubrey guilty. 
  2. Both Rittenhouse and Aubrey make major mistakes. Rittenhouse, 17, young, stupid, and naive. Followed false patriots by showing up armed in Kenosha post the Jacob Blake protests and riots. Governor Evans should have exerted far more control over the looting and burning; the teenager should have stayed home. The 25-year-old Arbery was seen on security video trespassing in a home in the defendants’ neighborhood that was under construction and unoccupied. The owner reported items stolen from his boat that was on the property, but there is no evidence Arbery was the thief. On the day of the murder, Arbery entered the home again. The three murderers chased Arbery because he was trespassing. When Arbery turned to confront the one with the shotgun, he was fatally shot. Arbery should never have trespassed; the men should never have followed him.
  3. What did not happen. Rittenhouse did not cross state lines with a firearm. He did not go to Kenosha with the intent of gunning down innocent protesters. Aubrey did nothing to deserve being followed and confronted by 3 armed men.
  4. The evidence is clear; Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent of the crimes charged. The evidence continues to mount that the media and other politicians, including leading Democrat figures, are convicting both Rittenhouse and the jury. The same voices are lauding the conviction of the three men who murdered Armen Arbrey.
  5. Rittenhouse is neither a hero nor a villain. It is false and dangerous to portray him as either. The jury system, part of our nation of laws, worked in both the Rittenhouse and Arbery cases.

We all have the personal responsibility to protect and preserve America as a nation of laws. Speaking of personal responsibility, this principle does not stand alone; the two main and interdependent principles at Revolution 2.0 are:

1. Personal Responsibility; take it, teach it and,
2. Be Your Brother’s Keeper. The answer to the biblical question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” is a ringing, unequivocal “Yes.” There is no other answer.

Where do you stand? What are you going to do? Remember, it does not matter where you stand if you don’t do anything. You can start by subscribing to these episodes, and encouraging others to subscribe with you.

As always, whatever you do, do it in love. Without love, anything we do is empty. 1 Corinthians 16:1.


As we get ready to wrap up, please do respond in the episodes with comments or questions about this episode or anything that comes to mind, or connect with me on Twitter, @willluden, Facebook, facebook.com/will.luden, and LinkedIn, www.linkedin.com/in/willluden/. And you can subscribe on your favorite device through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcasts. An I recently added the Revolution 2.0™ YouTube channel. 


This is Will Luden. We’ll talk again soon.

Will Luden
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10 Responses


    Will I could not agree with you more – set out perfectly – if the media would be responsible instead of advocates with a horrible agenda we would much better off – but that won’t happen I am afraid until there is a major disaster like the twin towers or worse to get people to help each other rather than jamming an agenda down everyone’s throat. If you would have asked me 3 years ago or less that this country would be acting like it is now I would have said no this is America that does not happen – WOW – the book of Revelation is in process – once you remove Jesus Christ and the bible from governing the actions of people the end is written. Take Care Tom
    P.S just celebrated the Firm’s 40th year in existence

  2. Terry Tracy Reply

    I agree on the verdicts, although with some reservations on the Arbery trial. (another time) I’ll just say they overstepped the law here. Rittenhouse was clearly innocent. I agree he should not be touted as a villian or a hero, however, I for one believe Rittenhouse symbolizes what most law abiding citizens are feeling at this time. The law, by evil democratic politicians, is told to “stand down” to rioters and allow them to burn, loot and attack people with very little if any consequence. Basically, the lives of the very people who voted these politicians in are being scarified for political power. Our forefathers would call this treason. Rittenhouse was standing up for what is right. When politicians will not up hold the law, it falls on the patriotic citizen to do so but this is key. Rittenhouse was well trained, not just in firearm safety but also in fire fighting and as an EMT. He was not only trying to protect personal property but trying to put fires out and help those injured even if they were on the opposite side of the fence as video showed. He did not confront those who attached him, he fled and only fired when left with no other choice. You call him immature, I say he is more mature than 95% of the American population. The only hate in anyone’s eyes was in his attackers. A hate driven by false narratives, rhetoric and out right lies by both politicians and the media. A hate so blind they were willing to attack a man with a gun who was running away from them. The saddest part of all this is if no video had turned up, the attackers would have been pushed to stick to their lies and Rittenhouse would be doing life in jail with a life expectance shorter than Jeffery Epstien.

  3. Richard Sims Reply

    Well thought out and well written.
    I never would have imagined this would be the America I would be leaving to my kids and grandkids.
    It’s sad that our news agencies (on both sides) are more concerned with pushing an agenda rather than reporting the news.
    As a young man, I often looked to the news agencies to be a voice that helped us learn of, grasp and understand what was happening in the world and even at times, being the voice that called our leaders to account when they veered from the path of public service.
    Unfortunately, our media is invested in promoting an agenda and our elected officials are invested in building a power base and/or serving their own selfish desires and wants.
    The prophecies of Isaiah to Judah appear particularly relevant in this day and age…..

  4. dynamic sand filtration system Reply

    Highly energetic article, I enjoyed that
    bit. Will there be a part 2?

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