Peregrine Creek–My Walden Pond (EP.06)


Podcast Summary

In this podcast, my primary intention is for us to get to know each other better. Quoting Henry David Thoreau from Walden-Life In the Woods, “Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” Please note that Thoreau did not ask for his agenda to win out, to be right–or make others wrong. He asked for truth. Truth is where everything needs to start (but not end).

My Walden pond is Peregrine Creek, right on my property. My Life In the Woods starts about 70 yards from the creek, with Blodgett Peak, soaring to 9,5K feet, the immediately adjacent Rampart Range and Pike Nat’l Forest, which the Rampart range is part of. If I had the hoo-ha, and I don’t, I could walk to Utah and never see anyone.

My time connecting to Peregrine Creek and the wilderness that starts yards from my city-services home, allows me the space to challenge what I think I think. To let my thoughts find themselves before I share them with you. Duc (Duke), my 80-lb. Standard Poodle, currently wearing an Elizabethan Collar, is my constant companion out there.

While it takes me a good two days to put together a podcast that I am happy with sharing, it is my decades of varying experiences that feed into those two days that give my thinking, content, depth and a focus. And the focus is on how to contribute; how to make people and things around me better.

This podcast closes with a couple quotes.

“An unexamined life is not worth living.” Plato

“A life of contemplation and examination without action that changes things is waste of all that contemplation and examination.” Will Luden

Will Luden, writing from my home office at 7,200 feet in Colorado Springs.

Will Luden
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10 Responses

  1. Tom Fischer Reply

    Love you Will.
    Tom Fischer

    • Will Luden Reply

      And I you, Tom, and I you. You encourage me in my Revolution 2.0 mission.

      • Tim Larson Reply

        Thoreau’s quote reminds me of Solomon’s wish for wisdom. He was far from perfect (as are we all), but achieved much. Interesting to think about the action he took (e.g. building a temple, writing, running and expanding a kingdom) as a result of having wisdom.

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